my desk job day 2

So the office supplies are treating me better today, unfortunately my brother isn't. Seriously, the worst Bob Barker impression EVER!! As I sit roasting in the rays of my parabolic heat dish, DAMN YOU JASON!! Turn that off!! It's exactly 25 degrees celsius in here, I feel nauseous.
He thinks he's so sneaky, he walks behind my desk to fiddle with that confounded heat dish. Because broiled Jess is obviously hilarious.
He just made my stuffed dog shit a microphone... wow. He works very hard here.
yeah, um... jason just tried playing plinko with my computer monitor and boxes of female insulated disconnects..
Only an Agri-Tech groupie would understand your lingo, jess! :)
Funny that your stuffed dog shit a microphone, though. I mean, really funny! Hey Jason has a blog!
what's your desk job? Agirtech? Why don't you post on my blog huh?
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