Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Great Banana Debate

Poll Time: What is your opinion on a grown white male dressing up as a banana for halloween??

Friday, October 13, 2006

irresponsible blogging

Well folks, I don't know what to say about my long absence.. other than maybe I got lazy... you know.. because it's so hard to sit down at a computer and make the necessary mouse clicks and keystrokes to make the round of blogs. So ok, I have no excuse... I'll just try to blame Mark for monopolizing all my spare time.

Quick update then, not much goes on in my life right now really..
Year end time at work.. crazy time.
Went to Waterton last weekend with Mark and saw a huge moose right on the road in front of us. And screaming elk.
I convocate tomorrow.. yay I guess. Is it wrong to not want to sit for 2 plus hours in a hot robe listening to people talk in a haze of sleepiness? Those are my expectations for the big event, but at least I had an excuse to buy hot new shoes.
Holloween costume shopping at Value Village with Chrys got me all ready.. just you wait.. we'll blow you away. Or not.
James Blunt concert in a few weeks.
What else.. just recently went through the whole second season of Gray's Anatomy.. I cried. I mean I cried a LOT.. especially when Denny died.

That's all I know for now.

I saw a man the other day who looks like Bilbo Baggins.