Thursday, February 15, 2007

new things

So many new things, wow.

First of all I just want to share how happy I am right now, so excited to start planning the rest of my life with the man of my dreams.
But planning a wedding isn't all we have going on right now.
For those of you who don't know our short term plans, in April we are both quitting our jobs, packing up and going to Europe for a couple of months. We're going to camp our way from France down to Spain and Portugal, along the French and Italian riviera into Italy, ferry across to Greece, then hopefully up north into the Czech Republic before heading back to Paris. We have our plane tickets booked, are in the process of getting a rental car all sorted out, and are about halfway through all our research and planning. I honestly cannot wait. For being unemployed for a little while, for an amazing adventure abroad and for some time to just relax and enjoy being engaged to Mark.
What this means however is that we need to have our wedding almost completely planned before we leave.. in 58 days..
In 58 days I also need to pack up all my earthly belongings and suspend them in storage.
Is this even possible? We have the big wedding budget meeting tonight with the parents.. after that I can almost promise you my life is going to be nuts.

When we get back in June, we will both be looking for new jobs. It's time to get my HR/IR career off the ground, so I will probably be moving to a bigger city like Calgary or Edmonton. Mark will be looking for something in environmental conservation and is a little more limited than I am with possible career options. We need to find jobs for both of us in the same area and we're a little worried about if that is going to be easy enough to do. But there is absolutely nothing we can do about it for now and will just have to face that problem if it arises. At that point we'll just be trying to get ourselves settled somewhere and ready to get married in 3 months.

Maybe we're insane to try all this in such a short period of time, but when we logically consider it.. it really makes sense to us and for us.

So that's a little heads up on what we'll be looking at lately. We really want to thank everyone for all their support and excitement for us, it's been really encouraging for us because we know how stressful this time is going to be for us.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a song

a song in my head...

"goin' to the chapel and we're gonna get married"

i wonder why...


maybe it's because.. MARK AND I ARE ENGAGED!!!!!!!

more details to come soon!