Update on my invalid self

So.. amazingly my hair has yet to fall out of my head. I really consider that a plus considering the events of last weekend. Here is a pictorial representation of some of the hair dying fun, all I can say is Chryslyn's photo shoot is hot. Ask her to see it, I'm not at liberty to disclose those pictures.
We started off with the unbelievable red.. a shame considering we were going for dark brown. This picture doesn't do it justice. Fluorescent lighting was my enemy, I saw more than one passer-by flinch at the brilliant burgundy reflections coming off my head. So we moved on with a recommended (though why we took her advice I don't know.. is it right to listen to another person with a bad dye job?) L'Oreal Preference.
All I can say is Chryslyn is a professional.. seriously... we're talking skills.
Hair cutting skills...
Hair dyeing skills...
Neck dyeing skills...
And she's hot. Just check out that startled kitten look. WOW!
The results, though I still carry the undertones of that fatal red, are much more respectable. At least I feel confident that I can walk outside my house without needing a hat. Give it a few weeks and I might go with the preference one more time.. the burgundy really must die.
Chryslyn, my head forever remains at your disposal. If you ever feel the need to cut, dye or buzz you know I'm here for ya any day!
As for other insights into my world.. Health is my sworn enemy. I really think I should check myself into the hospital for one week so I can sleep and be completely hydrated and medicated. I unfortunately feel the exact same way I did before I got strep during the summer, and just like the summer I'm going to wait to see if my body can heal itself before I go beg for antibiotics. Hopefully I can skip the unfortunate waiting room incident of last August however as I was reduced to a wailing ball of tears by the time I made it home. Thanks again Mommy for bringing me jello and popsicles... you might want to whip up another batch.
Well I'm off to class.. that is if these pictures will stop taking a million years to load. I definitely am lacking in blogger patience.
looks good, jess! What an adventure...
lol. Good times there. Man, I wish I had skills like chryslyn. You guys are awesome.
Wow Jess. Only you would throughly enjoy posting my butt on the world wide web. A definite first for me
i love hair dying extravaganzas
although one bad experience has turned me off of store bought hair dye.......let's just say my nickname was "skittles" for a while
chryslyn you pro star give up nursing and become a beautition. Ps, any of you girls looking for a place to live in calgary. Shan and I are in serious need of a roomie.
HAHAHA Yessss I remeber skittles....that was an amazing dye job though...and jess Saturday from what I hear is party time on again...round up some people and lets party
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