Wednesday, March 29, 2006


As most of you know me pretty well, I'm sure you've noticed that I'm not the most coordinated girl out there, and as much as I prance around pretending to be a ballerina, I don't fool myself into actually thinking I'm graceful...
I've tried blaming my klutziness on a number of factors:
  1. I have very small feet, a guy actually once looked at my feet, laughed, and asked if I fell down a lot... I would have been offended, but the thing is... I do...
  2. I shake - the Essential Tremor - the bane of my existence. Actually this is something that really really bothers me. People constantly assume I'm nervous, excited or on drugs when they notice how much my hands shake. However, the ET is also a convenient scapegoat for all the cuts, scrapes and broken nails my poor hands have to endure.
  3. I zone out... not a good idea to start day-dreaming when working with say... power tools.

(at this point I would just like to observe that it's deliciously pink outside right now. awesome.)

Anyway, it's been an interesting week. In the last 5 days I: put my elbow in my full coffee cup at work spilling the entire thing in my lap, hit my head on the seat in front of me at the hockey game, fell over in the Park Place parking lot, spilled the communion juice at church, cut my hand moving my bed, put a hole in my wall (in the old house... I hardly care), tripped down the stairs, hit my head with a hammer and countless other smaller mishaps. Suddenly the fact that I'm constantly covered with bruises makes a lot of sense... I love it.

ps. the moving is going well, almost over... soooo excited!!!


Blogger Erin said...

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8:33 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

funny - now imagine this:

"oh, my.... gosh!!!!"

like hurt-mania!!!!
how do you do it?

oh, well.
the solution is: a helmet and mittens...

8:42 PM  
Blogger Jessi said...

erin, maybe a little better than your first comment, though it is shorter and less descriptive...

8:44 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Are you keeping up with putting ice on that ankle???

10:42 AM  

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