Friday, June 09, 2006


between the hour of 2:00 and 2:30 PM daily you will find me sucking back the caffeine like there is no tomorrow.. complete coffee chugging.. because clearly my life depends on it. that is my mid-afternoon crash time and boooooy does it ever suck. i mean really, who doesn't feel like puking after chugging a massive mug of lukewarm coffee?? i'm so desperate, it's sad really... *chug chug*
*mini throw-up*
yessss... that's better.

73 days

that's right folks, 73 days and i will experience my very last ever university class. b.mgt/ here i come. i should start including that in my signature.. you know, on my cheques and stuff.. or i could introduce myself as jessica bachelor of management, bachelor of science.. yeah? uh, no.

weekend plans.. anyone have any? i sure don't, but i'm kind of happy about that right now. actually that's a lie. i have a plan, one single plan to drive to medicine hat tomorrow night to watch a friend play football, should be fun. i'm really looking forward to just sitting in a car with mel and some good tunes and having ourselves a blast as we scream across the albertan prairies. there is really nothing like a flat stretch of highway, good music, great company and a rolled down window.. (or a/c if you can't take the heat... wimp).

did you know my nickname used to be alberta?? it's true...

oh wow.. the intro to new slang is really just incredible.. let's play it again..
oooooooooooooooooOOOOOOooOOooOOooooooo ... oh you only WISH you could hear me singing that.

you know, there's been some talk of people running out of things to write on their blogs. i felt like that until i sat down here and realized i have so many stories inside me just dying to burst out. like i killed a bug with chryslyn's facewash bottle the other day, and i won the lottery, and my neighbour saw me standing in the alley in my towel, and i finally met someone i think is funnier than me, and i beat mark up, and i'm thinking about going to africa..
ok, so maybe they aren't good stories... and maybe they aren't all true. but here comes the fun part!!! YOU get to decide which ones are true and which aren't.. ok??
yeah, whatever..


Blogger Jessi said...

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2:48 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Haha, right on Jason!

killed bug with facewash bottle
thinking of going to africa (i'd go)
standing in the alley in towel

Beat Mark up (very false)
found someone funnier than you
won the lottery

3:33 PM  
Blogger Jessi said...

hi mom!!!
jason, you're on my 'to fight' list now..

as for mark.. it would appear that you are carrying on in some sort of relationship with the judge of this little game, therefore your answers clearly cannot be trusted. judges ruling: disqualified.

**notice to all: please disregard the previous remark**

5:00 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

so maybe lay off on the caffeine since it seems like you are constantly throwing up....
AND GO TO A DOCTOR for crying-out-loud!
Then think about going to disease-infested AFrica....

12:04 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

MOMMA has a blog login??? Alright!

11:55 PM  
Blogger abbott said...

oh jess, you're awesome, and clearly on some sort of caffine induced high as you wrote that. Sorry I didn't get to see you this weekend! But remember, you and chryslyn have to come up to calgary sometime......

6:07 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

I don't think there is anything wrong with liking coffee alot. I drink it all day as well only my prediciment costs alot of money. See, I think i'm in love with the cute esquires girl so instead of going to Timmy Ho's for coffee I go and spend $4 on something I cant even say right... caffe machiato?? I figure if I say it with authority and don't hesitate when she ask's me if I want something like dark or light roast, then maybe it sounds like I know what i'm talking about.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Chryslyn said...

yeah jess i think you still need to dispose of the bug.... yucky!
and when does our flight leave?

10:19 PM  

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