Rambling nothings: a detailed account of another gong-show of a weekend
So, I feel like I had a really fun weekend, though I don’t know that I especially got much accomplished. Oh well, I work hard all week long, I might as well play a little on my days off. Right?
Friday night, after an incredibly frustrating few days, a bunch of us hit up Maddhatters then Denny’s and hilarity ensued. Some notable memories:
- Thanks for straddling me Chryslyn. That was very special.
- Avoiding eye contact with Cam for the life of me.
- Quad?? Hmm.
- Cam and Chris hitting on the little girls – as far as I’m concerned, you both deserved the Calgary episode… sooooo funny!! I think Kevin seriously must be the nicest guy ever to rescue you two like that.
- The laughing fit that sent me to the bathroom where we were attacked by a flying stall door
- The girls from the bathroom who attacked us with the flying stall door – Chryslyn, you’ll understand this one.
- Seeing Jordan, man I miss hanging out with that guy.
- The sick Old Milwaukee chugging contest… I’ve never done something quite that disgusting in my life.
- Yuri saving my life with toast and water after the Old Milwaukee chugging contest.
- Moons over my hammy – I still can’t believe it.
- The extreme affection flying left and right, I don’t think I’ve ever held hands with so many people in one night. What a loving group we were… weird, very weird.
Saturday started off beautifully with a lovely walk and a nice breakfast, but I think we all wished Cam had worn a shirt to Ricky’s that morning…
The hockey game was great, but I still maintain that my sons will only ever be allowed to play chess, no matter what Jon had to say on the matter. Fighting is never necessary, but it does make the game more entertaining.
“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” almost ruined me, thanks for letting me sleep over Chryssy. Had trouble sleeping all by myself last night, seeing her sick contorted face and body every time I closed my eyes… creepy.
I really enjoyed the service last night (don’t want to call it “O2” I still think it’s a cheesy name). Met a couple of new people which is always nice, and I’ve really been enjoying this series on thirst and living water. I do however, want to start going to The Gate on Saturday nights more regularly, is anyone up for joining me?
Monday, manic Monday… actually not too bad so far, but I have a marathon of homework lined up for this week. Oh well, in my current, completely broke financial state, there isn’t much I can afford to do this week anyway. Maybe I’ll hermit-ize really well and use that good “F” word Chryslyn so highly recommends. Focus Jess, focus.
HAHAHA YESSSS, it was a great weekend, I honestly haven't had so much fun for awhile, until I almost got killed by the ladies on the way to Calgary, but oh well its all good. We need to start bringing cameras to events so we can start posting pictures for all to enjoy.
Focus.... Focus....
Well a weekend it was and until the next weekend I better sleep a lot more. Thanks for the fun times. Been awhile since the sleepover days. good times.
jess, while I appreciate that you are trying out different backgrounds, this one is a little hard to read.
This blog bares strangely close resemblance to my weekend reflections from last week....
I'm glad you had a fun weekend...
Oh, and I agree with Nicole on the background thing
jess move to calgary k? We gota place for you
ya jess, move to calgary. And bring chryslyn with you. PS this background is easier on my old eyes :-)
yes Jess take me with you to Calgary... in fact you can be my sugar momma
wow Erin you have a flashy picture
whoooa Chryslyn,
I don't know that big sugar daddy "D" would appreciate that change in status. But it's ok, I'll let him know that the meeting has been cancelled.
... I think the meeting is back on with sugar daddy D...
Eventually I will have no idea what all these inside jokes mean. But funny every time...
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