only because i must have a sense of humor about this...
i have mono
as if
thanks to chryslyn for ferrying me to the clinic and the hospital today, if not for her i'd never go to the doctor.. not like they can do anything for me.
just so you know what this means for my life, let me show you what mono has done to my face
- warning - extreme puffiness

as if
thanks to chryslyn for ferrying me to the clinic and the hospital today, if not for her i'd never go to the doctor.. not like they can do anything for me.
just so you know what this means for my life, let me show you what mono has done to my face
- warning - extreme puffiness

i know
i'm going to go take a nap now
how jess? how did you get mono?
mark, mark gave me mono.
apparently once you've had it you can be a carrier for the rest of your life. he had it about a year ago. nice of him, eh...
yes, really sweet. Nothing says "you're special" like the gift of mono. Well, at least now you will be able to pass that special gift onto others :-)
Oh Jess, mono sucks. I had no idea that it could make your face to that! I hope you are better quick (I heard mono takes some time to get through the system).
brave of you to post that picture!
I hope you start feeling better really soon!
Atta girl. Nothing says recovery like a sense of humor. Love ya babe!!
wow mono nuke
hey here's hpoing you can get over this quick. char says the more visible the symptoms the quicker it passes.
I always tell the kids save the kissing till marriage but do they listen? NO!
If you just held hands and promptly washed them after every encounter...
better yet wear gloves - you know safe hand holding!
seriously all the best
I am with incoming... stay safe kids and wear gloves. love ya jess gett better quick. good to see you finally came back home to me.
Jess, I feel so sad for you, but at least the mono didn't kill your sense of humor laugh it off, and make Mark be your slave until you are better, that will teach him :)
Good insight Dale, where was that a few months ago? cause you harp on me for other things. i was thinking puffed wheat myself....bad idea Blenkin.
Good insight Dale, where was that a few months ago? cause you harp on me for other things. i was thinking puffed wheat myself....bad idea Blenkin.
all the best Jessi
i hope the swelling goes down soon
you're almost home free
according to Char - my wife/nurse the next step is this all over body rash that only last about three days to three weeks. Followed by the paralysis of your left side especially if any of the rash gets infected and cuases boils...
oh my - sounds like you're in for.... well...... death.....
dale, i don't think your source is accurate!
no way she almost outta the woods
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