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Off to Mexico tomorrow (well techinically really early Sat. morning) either way I'm crazy excited about it. Going to Virginia in Novemeber really helped me realize that I don't get out of this town often enough. I'm afraid however, that the new year will be boring as I don't have any travel plans after this. I probably won't have the money for it anyway, so if anyone wants to come and camp-out in my backyard, we can pretend we're off on the West Coast Trail or something equally exciting as that.
I have a couple of goals for my trip to Mexico:
1. Meet new people (thanks to Chryslyn for this challenge)
2. The great coffee detox (seriously, it's out of control, I need un-habituate myself)
3. Get an amazing tan (self-explanatory)
I'll see you guys in a week or so. Have an AMAZING Christmas!!