Wednesday, March 29, 2006


As most of you know me pretty well, I'm sure you've noticed that I'm not the most coordinated girl out there, and as much as I prance around pretending to be a ballerina, I don't fool myself into actually thinking I'm graceful...
I've tried blaming my klutziness on a number of factors:
  1. I have very small feet, a guy actually once looked at my feet, laughed, and asked if I fell down a lot... I would have been offended, but the thing is... I do...
  2. I shake - the Essential Tremor - the bane of my existence. Actually this is something that really really bothers me. People constantly assume I'm nervous, excited or on drugs when they notice how much my hands shake. However, the ET is also a convenient scapegoat for all the cuts, scrapes and broken nails my poor hands have to endure.
  3. I zone out... not a good idea to start day-dreaming when working with say... power tools.

(at this point I would just like to observe that it's deliciously pink outside right now. awesome.)

Anyway, it's been an interesting week. In the last 5 days I: put my elbow in my full coffee cup at work spilling the entire thing in my lap, hit my head on the seat in front of me at the hockey game, fell over in the Park Place parking lot, spilled the communion juice at church, cut my hand moving my bed, put a hole in my wall (in the old house... I hardly care), tripped down the stairs, hit my head with a hammer and countless other smaller mishaps. Suddenly the fact that I'm constantly covered with bruises makes a lot of sense... I love it.

ps. the moving is going well, almost over... soooo excited!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Book Club

Since I just recently noticed the lack of reading goodness in my life, I decided to do something about it and gave up quite a few hours that I would normally spend sleeping (which just occured to me, I maybe do too much of these days... at least one night a week I'm usually in bed before 8:30 - but to defend myself I try to watch a movie before falling asleep) to read two books this week.
Now I know I say this about every book I read, but these two have seriously changed my life yet again. "The Red Tent" an almost secular look at the life of Dinah, Jacob's daughter by Leah (Gen. 34ish??). So I'm obviously a woman, but maybe a very sheltered one as this book taught me things that I had never imagined. I'm not just saying that I dozed off during sex-ed, emotional stuff too... kind of amazing. I am however very glad that one of my closest friends is a nurse. Chrys, I might need a mountain in Waterton and a talk right now...
The other book "The Glass Castle" is the memoirs of Jeannette Walsh. This one completely blew me away, I will never feel sorry for myself again. It's amazing to hear a story like hers and realize that she hasn't let herself become jaded or bitter, but still let her upbringing shape her life... I'm doing a poor job of explaining this, all I can say is read it, I will even loan it to you.
Next on the list is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde. It's been awhile since I've attempted a classic, Anna Karenina kind of took a round out of me, but since James Blunt sings about this one I thought I'd check it out. I'll keep you posted.

Now I feel old and blah becaues I just gave you a rundown of my reading list, and was really excited to do so. Am I really this person??
Read away my friends.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This is where we use to live, only memories fading memories..

A great weekend, pretty mellow, nothing too exciting. New friends, old friends. Another chapter in the shifting of relationships. Shifty, thanks to Chryslyn is definitely the word to use to describe any of the interpersonal interactions I've had for the last, oh I don't know.. year actually. It's quite interesting to see what can develop. Learning to say good-bye to the shifts of the past and welcome the shifts of the future is the present day exercise.
I really don't like it when someone enters a room and begins to sing loudly something that isn't currently being played. That bugs me, I might really enjoy this song, but I'll never know as I can't hear it over your humming.
I move next week, I couldn't be more excited. Psychologist like to rank moving as one of the top stressors in a person's life. I can understand that, it's a big deal that disrupts the very foundation of living your life. But I'm so excited for this that I think my complete joy will over-rule any potential stress. Strong boys with trucks are needed in my life immediately, you may apply in person some time this weekend to help move the mother-huge hutch.
Playing my guitar again, I don't know why I took a break... it keeps me sane. Experiencing the same thing with reading. I continued acquiring books at the same rate as always, however they all sit unopened on my shelf.. that hurts me a little inside.
I wish I could write, anything really. A story, a song, a limerick maybe. I'm going to add that to learning the cello on my list of things to accomplish in the future when time and finances allow.
I've had a great week so far, just wanted you to know.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

all the things that made me smile today

  • 6am coffee with Chryslyn at Timmy Ho's (don't worry Chryssy-poo, one morning soon it'll all come together
  • actually having a GOOD study session all morning long, with time to spare
  • feeling amazingly confident about both midterms i wrote this week
  • two!! TWO!!! and before noon even...
  • seeing the best dreds on a guy that i've ever seen
  • the most beautiful day, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, no wind
  • seeing Yuri driving a four door ford focus, is that his car?? (or his mom's??? Chris???)
  • lunch with my mom (best sandwhich EVER)
  • taking Cooper and Katie for an amazingly hilarious walk with Erin
  • wearing flip-flops and jumping through snow
  • sitting here on a Thursday afternoon when I should be at school with a "cuba libra" in one hand, the rest of my sandwhich in the other about to watch "the sisterhood of the travelling pants"

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


my mom and i were talking about sleep deprivation last night, she was about to hit that wall of complete exhaustion, i passed that wall sometime yesterday myself. to prepare her for what could possibly happen if she didn't get enough sleep yet again last night, i was trying to explain that my world was starting to feel a lot like alice in wonderland... things are the same, but skewed, the normal seems out of place and the abnormal familiar. in theory it sounds amusing, but if i see one more fluffly white rabbit hop by my desk this morning, i'm going home.

Monday, March 06, 2006

you like??

still playing with this.. need to get the comment links back up and everything, but keep checking back. should be up and running soon!!


Sunday, March 05, 2006


so the other night while washing my face of all things, i remembered something i did in the past... something i maybe need to confess.

about three and a half years ago,
i watched "a walk to remember",

...with the commentary...

...the whole way through...

...and i would do it again...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Life Decisions