Happy V-Day!!!!
Single on Valentines Day, just the way I like it.
I'm completely serious, no sarcasm there. Anyone who knows me knows my levels of relationship/commitment phobia so I'm quite happy with my plans for a fabulous no-pressure dinner with my beautiful friends.
Had a good weekend, despite the ever present issue of no-voice sickness. Today is actually much better, I haven't been mistaken for a 1-900 number worker yet, but it's still early.
I went to the Gate on Sunday morning and was challenged more than I have been in the last 6 months of going to E-Free. They spoke the complete un-filtered truth, the kind that I haven't seen much of from our own pulpit. That makes me sad, but also hopeful. I've felt that something has been missing in my church life for a while, and I'm excited to see if going to the Gate more regularly might be the answer I need.
I was supposed to have a double-date, but it really turned out to be a day spent with Chris and Kevin (I guess you could still call it a double-date from my perspective..). I really had no expectations going into the day, but it turned out to be very nice. Just kind of mellow and relaxing, until I lost my dog. I hate that. I can't imagine loosing a child, I already freak out when my dog is gone for five minutes.
I was supposed to have a midterm today, but it got pushed back to Thursday, I'm so happy, I definitely didn't study as much as I should have, hopefully I can use this opportunity to correct that problem.
Reading week is soon, I'm going to need constant supervision since Chryslyn is leaving.. anyone wanna Jess-sit?

Also, just throwing this out there for anyone to consider. Next fall/winter I'm planning on doing some traveling. I'm thinking Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece etc.) and though I will still go by myself if no one is available, I know my parents would be much happier if I could find a friend or two to go with. Anyone interested??
I'm completely serious, no sarcasm there. Anyone who knows me knows my levels of relationship/commitment phobia so I'm quite happy with my plans for a fabulous no-pressure dinner with my beautiful friends.
Had a good weekend, despite the ever present issue of no-voice sickness. Today is actually much better, I haven't been mistaken for a 1-900 number worker yet, but it's still early.
I went to the Gate on Sunday morning and was challenged more than I have been in the last 6 months of going to E-Free. They spoke the complete un-filtered truth, the kind that I haven't seen much of from our own pulpit. That makes me sad, but also hopeful. I've felt that something has been missing in my church life for a while, and I'm excited to see if going to the Gate more regularly might be the answer I need.
I was supposed to have a double-date, but it really turned out to be a day spent with Chris and Kevin (I guess you could still call it a double-date from my perspective..). I really had no expectations going into the day, but it turned out to be very nice. Just kind of mellow and relaxing, until I lost my dog. I hate that. I can't imagine loosing a child, I already freak out when my dog is gone for five minutes.
I was supposed to have a midterm today, but it got pushed back to Thursday, I'm so happy, I definitely didn't study as much as I should have, hopefully I can use this opportunity to correct that problem.
Reading week is soon, I'm going to need constant supervision since Chryslyn is leaving.. anyone wanna Jess-sit?

Also, just throwing this out there for anyone to consider. Next fall/winter I'm planning on doing some traveling. I'm thinking Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece etc.) and though I will still go by myself if no one is available, I know my parents would be much happier if I could find a friend or two to go with. Anyone interested??
i'm totally intereste, but alas, I am a working girl now - and not in the street corner sense - so I am stuck trying to pay the bills...:-(
v-Day was the best. Thanks for being the best valentine ever!
v-Day was the best. Thanks for being the best valentine ever!
what did you guys do that made v-day so fantastic?
What didn't we do seriously.....hahah no but it was a great day I do have to admit.
well nicole we just had the tame version of valentine's as friends. dinner, walmart, coffee for some, the tower for others, and efree hockey. It was just low expectations with all over fun results.
Hey Jess. I am still alive. yes and currently looking forward to coffee at 6:15AM!!!
Jess.... I am still alive. And maybe avoiding showering?
I am still alive... jess where are you? I'll shower i promise.
I'm so glad you're alive, I was scared. You heard the panic in my voice on the ninth message I left for you.
umm, please shower
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