Friday, June 30, 2006

This could be funny... except it isn't

So... mono/school fiasco update time folks.

I'm feeling pretty good these days, I can't play quite as hard as the other kids yet and I tucker out pretty fast, but we're definitely on the up and up health wise. Ella the spleen used to hurt quite a bit, but she's settled down for the most part now.


It seems like I'll never graduate.
I made arrangements with my profs. to write my final exams at later times. Those being this last week. I was supposed to meet with the Physics secretary on Wednesday to write my astro. final; I was a little early, she wasn't there yet, so I sat down to review. 10 minutes laer, I was still reviewing. 20 minutes later I was still reviewing. 30 minutes later she still hadn't arrived, so I emailed her. I gave her another 20 minutes to either show up or respond to the email and she didn't so I just went home. I heard from her later and she had forgotten all about me. So we rescheduled for next week. It was frustrating because I was prepared to write this exam and I would really like to finish up these classes, but these things happen right??
Apparently these things happen all the time, because today I went in to meet a grad. student who was supposed to supervise my biochem. final, after we got all settled in. I looked at the questions and thought to myself.. wow, these look familiar. But I knew the final was cumulative so I thought maybe my prof. had used some questions from our quizes or the midterm when creating the test. I flipped through a couple more pages and realized that all the questions looked familiar. She had left me the midterm to write, not the final. The grad. student tried to break into her office to find the real test, but without any luck. I felt kinda bad for the guy, we just kind of stared at each other and neither of us knew what to do. So I left and went home, again. I guess I have to reschedule one more time. Once more, I was all studied up and prepared to write this stupid test.. and couldn't.
In 52 days I will be done school for good.
I will never have to deal with the Carla's, the forgetful secretaries or the unorganized profs. or clueless grad. students ever again.
Unless of course in 52 days I'm still waiting to write these finals.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Mono Update

First of all thanks to all the well-wishers and loads of medical advice.. especially Dale.. Thanks for the heads up regarding the boils and paralysis. It's also been interesting to get second-hand advice from people I hardly even know.. (Shout out to Huntley)

Things are going pretty well, I seem to be improving a little bit everyday. The puffy eyes are almost a thing of the past.. only late at night or first thing in the morning. Trust me, we're all really happy about that. It's nice not to have small children cry out in fear when I approach them. The lymph nodes in my neck are starting to go down a little too. This is also a good thing... the first doctor I went to was pretty amazed by the state of my face and lymphatic system, spending several minutes prodding at my eyes and neck. He even made some pretty incredible notes about it in my medical records. When I saw my normal doctor this week, he even commented on it.

Named my spleen and my liver, I figured they might as well have names if they were going to have an active presence in my life. Ella, my spleen has actually been a bit of a little b*tch causing me some pain. She's been behaving for the most part today, so I'm hoping she's finished throwing tantrums. My liver, lovingly called The Shiv, hasn't been a problem as far as I know.. but my mom asks after him a lot. I guess I should be watching for jaundice.. Ella and The Shiv.. I feel inspired to write a short story about them or something. But I think instead I'll just take another nap. Seriously, I think the exhaustion has been the worst part. So tired and lethargic. I feel like I have 50 lb weights attached to my arms and legs and fingers and toes..
It's also been kind of hard coping with the complete boredom and loneliness. Mark was really great, always stopping by when he was in town, but I've had minimal social contact since he left. There's been a lot of alone time watching movies and reading. I guess it's kind of hard making friends when you have an infectious disease... I spent about half an hour with Chryslyn this afternoon which was the most I've seen her in weeks it seems. It was pretty funny, we ended up (accidentally) in the coffee room of a hatchery.. 'are you Joan??' 'Joan???!!!'

My profs have been really great, giving me some extra time to write my final exams. That's really appreciated, though clearing things with the admin. side of the U has been a little more difficult. The advising office made me make several trips back and forth to my doctor for more and more documentation.. a really nice thing to do to a girl with mono. I wanted to shoot someone. Well.. not just someone.. a certain advisor.. grrr Carla. It all worked out in the end though.

Alright.. time for that nap now.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

only because i must have a sense of humor about this...

i have mono

as if

thanks to chryslyn for ferrying me to the clinic and the hospital today, if not for her i'd never go to the doctor.. not like they can do anything for me.

just so you know what this means for my life, let me show you what mono has done to my face
- warning - extreme puffiness


i know

i'm going to go take a nap now

Monday, June 12, 2006

shucks.. i wanted to be wolverine

woohoo.. you see that?? i'm three x-men all in one!

You scored as Rogue. Rogue is a strong but tragic personality. She loves Gambit. Because of her mutant powers, she cannot touch anyone without hurting them. Therefore, she longs for human contact. However, this southern gal's strong personality has allowed her to deal with this. Powers: Absorbs lifeforce and powers by touch, Super strength, and flight









Jean Grey




Emma Frost










Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Friday, June 09, 2006


between the hour of 2:00 and 2:30 PM daily you will find me sucking back the caffeine like there is no tomorrow.. complete coffee chugging.. because clearly my life depends on it. that is my mid-afternoon crash time and boooooy does it ever suck. i mean really, who doesn't feel like puking after chugging a massive mug of lukewarm coffee?? i'm so desperate, it's sad really... *chug chug*
*mini throw-up*
yessss... that's better.

73 days

that's right folks, 73 days and i will experience my very last ever university class. b.mgt/ here i come. i should start including that in my signature.. you know, on my cheques and stuff.. or i could introduce myself as jessica bachelor of management, bachelor of science.. yeah? uh, no.

weekend plans.. anyone have any? i sure don't, but i'm kind of happy about that right now. actually that's a lie. i have a plan, one single plan to drive to medicine hat tomorrow night to watch a friend play football, should be fun. i'm really looking forward to just sitting in a car with mel and some good tunes and having ourselves a blast as we scream across the albertan prairies. there is really nothing like a flat stretch of highway, good music, great company and a rolled down window.. (or a/c if you can't take the heat... wimp).

did you know my nickname used to be alberta?? it's true...

oh wow.. the intro to new slang is really just incredible.. let's play it again..
oooooooooooooooooOOOOOOooOOooOOooooooo ... oh you only WISH you could hear me singing that.

you know, there's been some talk of people running out of things to write on their blogs. i felt like that until i sat down here and realized i have so many stories inside me just dying to burst out. like i killed a bug with chryslyn's facewash bottle the other day, and i won the lottery, and my neighbour saw me standing in the alley in my towel, and i finally met someone i think is funnier than me, and i beat mark up, and i'm thinking about going to africa..
ok, so maybe they aren't good stories... and maybe they aren't all true. but here comes the fun part!!! YOU get to decide which ones are true and which aren't.. ok??
yeah, whatever..